ATV regulates the urban public transport for the municipality of Verona and other important municipalities of the province. It connects Verona with the municipalities and villages of the Veronese province and it extends to reach the provinces of Mantova, Vicenza and Rovigo. ATV also organizes the shuttle service from the train station of Porta Nuova to Valerio Catullo Airport. In this section you can find the list of the routes, the places reached, and the timetables of all ATV buses. |
ATV - Azienda Trasporti Verona s.r.l. | Lungadige Galtarossa 5 - 37133 Verona
P.I. 03644010237 | Tel 045 8057811 / Fax 045 8057800 | Email: | Posta elettronica certificata:
Iscrizione Reg. Imprese VR n° 03644010237 | Capitale sociale € 15.000.000,00 i. v.
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