If a user is injured while travelling on board one of our vehicles, it should be communicated immediately to the driver. In case of a bus accident, if a traveler or a third party (a car driver/passenger, biker, pedestrian, etc) thinks to have been injured by ATV, please contact our claims office: viale della Stazione di Porta Vescovo - tel. 045 8057.843.
ATV - Azienda Trasporti Verona s.r.l. | Lungadige Galtarossa 5 - 37133 Verona
P.I. 03644010237 | Tel 045 8057811 / Fax 045 8057800 | Email: atv@atv.verona.it | Posta elettronica certificata: protocollo.atv@pec.it
Iscrizione Reg. Imprese VR n° 03644010237 | Capitale sociale € 15.000.000,00 i. v.
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