Routes and timetables

Scipione: the new bus-on-demand service in Verona and Legnago


"Scipione the bus on demand" is the new ATV bus-on-demand service! This service is used via an app, available for iOS and Android, where you can "book" your travel inside the area being served.
Just use the app to choose the time and the departure and arrival points for your travel: the app will immediately calculate the optimum route between two public transport stops within the areas being served. When you confirm your booking the Scipione bus will carry the passenger from the chosen stop to the final destination.


Areas served by Scipione

Clicca sui seguenti link per scoprire di più sui singoli servizi di Scipione:


How to use Scipione

Booking is mandatory in order to use the service. Booking can be done from 15 days to 30 minutes prior to departure. The service can be used for all public transport stops in the areas that are served.Travels with predetermined frequency can also be booked (e.g. once a week for an ongoing period of time).
On Scipione you can use all travel tickets valid for the selected route (Verona or Legnago urban lines), which can be purchased from ATV ticket offices, ticket shops, the Ticket Bus Verona app, on board (with an extra charge) and passes.


How to book a travel


1. Download the app from the Android or Apple store


2. Terminate registration


3. Input the desired departure and arrival stops or use the interactive map


4. Choose the number of passengers (maximum of 5)


5. Accept or reject the travel proposal given by the app with times and getting-on-and-off stops*


6. Wait for the bus, get on and have a good ride! Remember that when you enter the "I miei Viaggi" ("My travels") section of the app you can always check, in real time, the position of the vehicle that is booked to check its real arrival time.



ATV - Azienda Trasporti Verona s.r.l. | Lungadige Galtarossa 5 - 37133 Verona
P.I. 03644010237 | Tel 045 8057811 / Fax 045 8057800 | Email: | Posta elettronica certificata:
Iscrizione Reg. Imprese VR n° 03644010237 | Capitale sociale € 15.000.000,00 i. v.