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Below you can find the timetables valid from September 11th 2024
Discover the advantages of ATV Passes.
Take the 199 "Airlink" line to Verona Porta Nuova Railway station, than change with lines 162, 163, 164, 165 (platform B3).
For more information:
045 8057922 from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., FROM MONDAY TO FRIDAY
ATV - Azienda Trasporti Verona s.p.a. | Lungadige Galtarossa 5 - 37133 Verona
P.I. 03644010237 | Tel 045 8057811 / Fax 045 8057800 | Email: | Posta elettronica certificata:
Iscrizione Reg. Imprese VR n° 03644010237 | Capitale sociale € 15.000.000,00 i. v.
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